
10.06.2015 Increase of market penetration of mobile devices

Increase of market penetration of mobile devices

The penetration of mobile devices almost doubled for 2015

10.06.2015 Attitudes towards trade promotions

Attitudes towards trade promotions

For the annual conference of PROGRESSIVE magazines 2015 Market LINKS presented data on consumer attitudes towards trade promotions. Download the presentation here

10.06.2015 Top 5 TV channels, May 2015

Top 5 TV channels, May 2015

Market LINKS conducted nationally representative survey of people over 15 years for most viewed TV channels.

30.09.2014 Marke tLinks now with a new site

Marke tLinks now with a new site

Dear visitors, already launched new MarketLinks website. The new design and navigation of the site are designed for quick and convenient access to information. The site has been completely...

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