Market LINKS facing the challenge COVID-19

Back 16.03.2020
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Dear clients and partners,

In a situation that puts all of us to test, we believe that the business must respond to the challenges they face with responsibility, flexibility and with a strong vision for the future.
We would like to tell you, that we are working on a full scale. In line with that and in order to minimize the risk of further spread of Coronavirus and protect the health of citizens and of our field staff, we decided to cancel f2f interviewing process and to fully switch to well-known RDD CATI, Market LINKS online panel and to online FGDs and IDIs. Based on our professional experience we are confident, that such methods of registration will allow us to continue to provide the best possible quality of the primary information.
Please have in mind that the most impacted by the current crisis would be the results of studies related to current consumer practices and current and declared future consumption. To a lesser extent, this applies to research projects on sustainable attitudes, such as corporate communication, image positioning, etc. Of course, each research project must be evaluated individually and we are at your disposal to discuss all possible solutions and approaches.
However, in the long run, we believe that we can expect to see lasting changes in consumer behaviour and attitudes, thus affecting all B2C companies. Knowledge of such a major transformation will provide a solid foundation for building your future wining strategies. At Market LINKS we continue to be curious to register, analyse and explain these market processes, of course, together with you.

You can count on us.
Stay healthy!
Market LINKS Team